The Ending Of The Dark

Going into the unknown. Leading Lazlo to his to fears. Where was it taking him? It? Him? Her? Was it the basement? He could not tell if it was basement, it was as pitch black as a cave as it was 2:00am at night. The Dark was his eyes, leading me around my own house, but it did not seem like that. It was going to be a long night.

"Come closer " it whispered. He done what he was told. Feeling around, touching everything to find a way out of this mess. After a couple of minutes he found a chest, it felt similar to the one he find a few days ago. This was it. His one chance to open the chest, conquer his fear and see what was inside it.

Yet again he went to open it, but also yet again he was thrown out. What did he have to do to open that chest. He had conquered his, hadn't he. More training is what he needed. He would start small then he would work his way up to the darkest. But he would need a good night sleep, it was 3:00am. If his parents knew he would have been dead. Good thing they don't really care about what I do.