My pet

My pet's name is Steve. He is an orange, black spider. He is very big and sticky and young.

He eats small animals, flies and other bugs. He drinks water. I keep him in a cage but sometimes I take him out by holding him to get fresh air. He does some cool tricks like climbing. I take care of Steve by feeding him and giving him water. I give him some special spider food. But sometimes he is full. Steve likes eating, making webs and running around. He is only five months old! He is a young spider. I found him injured by himself after a lot of birds tried to eat him so I picked him up and took extra care of him and that's how I got him.

I love him sooo much. He is very special to me. I keep it for a pet so I won't be alone. I have to be careful to keep it safe. He is the best. I love it a lot and it means the world to me. He will always be part of the family.