The ending of the dark. Aiza

Fading footsteps lurked in the dark; will he go down and meet the nightmare with in or will he turn back?. The boy went down, down, down the twisting staircase, thorny brambles wrapped his heart. The dark pricked his squinting eyes, a tear dropped to the wretched floor and splashed. Afraid? uttered the dark softly. Trembling slightly, the boy's curiosity got the better of him.

Wonder roamed his thoughts; as he saw an illuminating light shining through he felt hope. "What-what is that bright light coming through the door?", the dark replied unreassuringly; it was a little too silent for the young boy to hear. un-expectingly the door way held a passage to another world, it was a portal!. The door creaked as if it was laughing a shiver ran down his spine. Destined was his soul to travel into another dimension.

Daringly he peered into the portal he went a little to close and fell down, down, down. Deeply breathing the boy awoke his surroundings was different he was in daylight. Casually, he got up he realized he was no longer on earth he was in paradise. Will he meet his loved ones again or will all his thoughts grow to be shallow and lonely? Was it worth it being on earth surrounded by the ones you love or with an entire different world with only one percent of humanity on it.