The day I met an alien

Last night I was walking from the movies late at night. I saw a flashing light, so I followed it to the forest. The flashing light was a spaceship and an alien came out of it. I got scared but I tried to stay calm.

I asked him what is his name and he told me, "My name is Mark." He looked greenish and had eyes on horns like a snail. He shivered a little. I asked him where he was from and said he was from Pluto. He said his spaceship broke. He was very shy but he was friendly, too. He talked in English and he was new to our world. So, I showed him around and we became friends. After a while I had to go home, so I took him with me. We had to sneak in.

The next morning, we fixed the spaceship. We had a good time. He took off and we waved goodbye. I hope I see him again.