The Day I Met An Alien

One day, on a Saturday evening, I went to bed when I heard funny noises. I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't resist the noise, so I opened my bedroom curtains.

When I opened my curtains I saw a fluffy green alien with two eyes, three fingered feet and the same for the toes. It was about 3" 5 tall. Then, I opened my window to hear a voice I strangely I understood. I thought he was saying that he needed metal to go back to his planet so that's what I did. My plan was to quickly get to the nearest shop and then go back to the alien to give him the piece of metal. The time was 9:40 and the shop that sells metal closes at 10:00, so I thought that I'd better be fast.

I perfectly got out of the shop bang on time and gave the piece of metal to the alien. He went zooming off in second but then I woke up in my bed. "Was this a dream the whole time?" I thought to myself.