Is it better to live in the city or in the country?

Half of the people on earth live in the country while the other half lives in the city. The big question is: Is it better to live in the city or in the country?

Some advantages of the city are: it is not boring because you can go to museums and concerts, you do not have to drive for miles to go to school and other places. Some advantages of the country are: it is not expensive, it is not loud, there are animals and fresh air.

On the other hand some disadvantages of living in the city are: it is loud, crowded with people, there isn't any fresh air. Some disadvantages of living in the country are: it sometimes has dangerous animals and you might get very boring because there are few people. You also have to travel for miles to go and buy things.

Both have a lot of advantages and disadvantages but for me the city is better. It is easier to go the hospital when you are in a hurry.