Eye sight miracle full version

I feel like blackness is surrounding me... can't see a thing, not even dust. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping it was just a dark dream. No, I was wrong... it wasn't a dark dream nor my imagination. My confusion was so strong I couldn't think at all. I don't know what I am feeling. It's almost like trying to guess how people feel but harder. My grandmother came and saw that my eyes were black.

I was rushed to the hospital and put to sleep. I had absolutely no idea what was going on....

I woke up and I could see again. The amount of joy I had was unbelievable! I sat up in the operation room on my bed and rubbed my eyes. The room was empty, only me and some tools. t, I stood up and pushed opn the door. The lights were so bright i coukdn't even keep my eyes open for more than 12 seconds. As I kept walking straight, it seemed as if the corridor was getting longer and longer. I had finally reached the waiting room and no one was there. I felt lost... lonely and confused. I walked over to the counter and looked through all the security camera's but there was no trace of a single living thing apart from me. I headed for the exit and it took me quite a long time to get it open. I slowly opened it and a shimmer of bright light shone through the gap between the door. I walked out and I was in my favourite place... 2 weeks ago my grandfather had died and we were very close. I was in his house and he was serving me scones. But as I got comfortable, everything slowly dissapered and I was in a huge white place.

I woke up and I heard a heart moniter. It was a dream. Everything was blury and I could see my mother, grandmother and father surrounding me. They called in the nurse and gave me medications. Within one hour I was able to leave. I was able to see again...

The End