Far in the distance, Sophie saw rivers and rivers and rivers of some ordinary drinks that Sophie thought that it was so curious she wondered. Looking closer Sophie saw that the unusual drink was actually FROBSCOTTLE!!!but just in different flavors" what a catastrophe" Sophie yelled.Indeed it was frobsco-

ttle but the best thing was,that it was that notonly was it green it was in different colours.For the second time today she exclaimed 'IT IS A MERICALL!!!!!!!'. unable to contorl herself, Sophie ran as fast as her skinny legs can go to the BFG and was soo close to waking him up by sceeming 'WAKE UPPPPP!!!'

Sophie paced around the room thinking about her next movebut, it was worthless because at that

moment of time , she could think and care about was to just taste that beutiful rainbow.