Personal Information

What is personal information?

Personal information is information about you, for example, where do you live or what's your full name, how old are you, Which school do you go to, and last one, what is your bank details. Personal information can also be about someone else, somebody could tell you they're secrets, and that's personal information to them.

How do you keep your personal information safe?

You can keep your personal information safe by not telling strangers you don't know, your personal information. It is okay to tell friends or family members secrets about yourself, but make sure you know them very well to trust them first. Don't tell strangers or people you don't know very well, where you live, which school you go to or your bank details, don't even tell people other people's personal information, if you know it.

Why is it important to keep your personal information safe?

It is important to keep your personal information safe, because people online can hack you, if they do, then you can loose your bank information, your account and your details. This is why you don't tell people your username, password or bank information.You can loose everything! Be safe!