Dear Mr.Scarborough/Mr.Gulliford I am writing this letter to you to inform you about our school rules and how the students of tufnell park primary school are feeling about them i hope to persuade you to hopefully change some of the rules and make tufnell park how it should be.tufnell park school is a popular school and many parents are hoping to send there children to this amazing school. I understand that you may think what your doing is best for the school and the people who make tufnell park but to be honest its not,it may be good for the looks of the school but is it good for the students and how we feel?I know for a fact that most students are not happy about these two rules the jumping off the climbing frame and always wearing red . I really do understand why you wanted to change these to rules because people took it to far with the rules of jumping off the climbing frame and wearing red but would it really harm you to change them back to the old rules? its not like the new rules are benefiting with our education. There not making our grades go up. All the time in assemblies all teachers are always telling the students that we want you to feel comfortable at tufnell park and there always saying that we make the school and you want us to be happy here well sir at the moment no one is. No teacher asked us for our opinion,no teacher took a survay what my point is that we do not feel comfortable about the new rules no one feels happy here. We feel forced on how we got too look our school is tufnell prk primary school no more we have been fashonism. We feel like robots. so what i am trying to ask is would you consider changing bak to how they were? Thank you for reading this letter and i hope that i have been able for you to rethink the rules of our school tufnell park primary school. From Teddy Holohan-Fields Orion