In the half term we went to Brighton which is a few hoursoutside of London. To get there we took the tube and then we took a train whichhad booked seats so we got to sleep a bit on the train. When we got off thetrain me my brother and my friend Billy rushed over to the beach first. It wasa lot warmer than London but the water was cold so I didn’t get to go in thewater. Anyway it started to get a bit colder so we were going to the funfair. Itwas a good time and we got to try 4 rides! The best ride was the horror hoteland for some reason my brother and my mum were so scared but me and Billythought it wasn’t scary and my mum said there was a dressed up person in there thattouched here shoulder in the ride but nothing happened to us. After that wewent to get some candyfloss which was so yummy! Then with a full stomach wewent home and arrived at 8:00pm but because it was the holidays and we weregood we got to see a movie which was great fun and then we went to bed.