Half Term Homework

Mrs Blyth, Miss Dibsdale, Mrs Roffey and Mr Farrant

Over the Autumn Term you will be learning about your local area. Year 5 and 6 will be focussing on SA1. If you don't live near St. Thomas, base your homework on your local area. We want you to ask 5 people that you know, 3 questions.

1. What do you like about SA1 and why?

2. What do you dislike about SA1 and why?

3. What would you improve about the area?

We would like you to present your findings using any form you like. You could use Powerpoint, J2E or Word. You might want to present your findings on paper including pictures or graphs or in a booklet. It is up to you! Make sure you get as much detail as you can from the people you interview, the more information you have, the easier it'll be to present your findings.

Please hand your homework in on Monday 2nd November 2015.