What I did in the Christmas holidays

It was the first day of the holidays and I was sick

So sadly I didn’t do anything but at least I still Face Time called my friends. The next day, I felt better so I went to sleepover at my cousins’ house until Christmas.

On Christmas eve, I was getting the presents ready under the tree and wrapping extra gifts that I bought for people and then I had Christmas dinner on Christmas eve for some reason then I just went on my phone. The next day I woke up and had breakfast then opened my presents and I was opening presents for about 1 hour and I got loads of presents. Later on, I had a party at home and I invited a few of my friends to my house.

(new years eve)

I went to my Nan's house with my aunt, uncle and my two cousins and we got ready for a photo shoot which was really fun. After, me and my cousin decided to prank call some family members and we put hidden cameras (our phones) around the house to see their reactions and then we gathered together for new year which was a minute away. We went home at 12:30 and watched a movie and that was what I did in my holidays.