Titanic 3rd blog

It is almost midnight and something wakes me up.It sounded like a giant crash, I will investigate in the morning. I am now fast asleep I hope i don't be awaken again by another crash of some sorts.

14th April 1912

It is still early in the morning and I am awoken again I step out of cabin and hear someone saying run for your

lives.Then my mum comes and says that we have struck a iceberg. I put on a life jacket, it hurts a lot.

Me and my mum find a space together in one of

the lifeboats. Slowly the Titanic sinks to the bottom

of the ocean.We have been at sea for a few days now with no food or water. But wait is that the Carpathia , the

Carpathia heard the Titanic's destress calls but was 3 hours away. The carpathia may be to late to save the people in the ocean but there just in time to save the people in the lifeboats.