Question: What's your full name?
Answer: 'My full name is Priscilla Falzon.'
Question: What's your most favourite hobby?
Answer: 'My favourite hobby is knitting.'
Question: where do you live??
Answer: 'I live in Cospicua.
Question: Where do you work?
Answer: 'I work at the University campus Valletta. Question: when is your birthday?
Answer: 'My Birthday's on the 14th of November.' Question: When did you find the job you have today? Answer: 'I found my job 3 years ago.'
Question: Who is your mum?
Answer: 'My mum is Mary Falzon which is your grandmother.'
Question: Who is your dad?
Answer: 'My dad is Eugenio Falzon which is your grandpa.'
Question: Which is your favourite colour?
Answer: 'My favourite colour is black'.
Question: Okay which holiday do you like the most?
Answer: 'My favourite holiday is Christmas.'.
Question: Why do you like knitting?
Answer: 'It's because I like hand work.'.
Question: Why do you like Christmas?
Answer: 'And that's because I love Jesus and I love making decorations.'.
Question: How did you meet my dad may I ask?
Answer: 'I met him at the disco when I was younger.'. Question: How did you feel while I was interviewing you? Answer: 'I felt quite good'.