This week in literacy we learnt how to write a non-chronological report about an animal e.g. an anaconda. We learnt the features of a N.C. report. One of the important features is present tense. You only use past tense if the subject is gone or extinct. We learnt about anacondas and wrote an introduction about them. We wrote separate paragraphs for example a paragraph about life cycle.

We also looked at other reports like a cheetah and a barn owl to see how they were in order, though we learnt only the intro and the conclusion needs to be in order, all the other paragraphs were not in order but.... the facts needed to be in order.

Today we wrote our own report about a Tongo Lizard. It was made up!! So we had to make everything up. The diet, hunting, habitat, life cycle and so on. It was a easy task to do and not a lot to remember. I enjoyed writing that report!!!