The Ending of the Dark

A boy called Lazlo was a puny, bashful, he remember the voices but it sounded extremely evil like Voldermort

who murders people because that is his favourite hobby. As he was sleeping he felt a bit drowsy he was sweating all over his circular face. So he took his fluffy blanket and got out of his bed sluggishly and started to limp, suddenly he heard a peculiar voice, the same one but the features were changed. He suddenly quivered, he was about to faint, he felt dizzy and the voice was freaking him out. He fell down on the floor and heard a vast noise. 

After an hour he woke up he was scorching and he got up he was strolling down t the basement door, but the door was slowly creaking by itself. It was the robust air. The boy was pushed onto the wall and heard a big noise. He could not take the torture of the dark he became courageous and he was going down the helix stairs, he was going to stroll down and discover what bizarre voice. He gazed at the black figure so he rapidly hid away. There were actually two figures they were uttering and pondering about the brave boy.

Lazlo went back to the living room and called the police and got them arrested.