My petrifying demon is loathed by the whole earth, she can harness the sun and use them for her evil purposes. Torturing is what she does for fun, she cackles as she torments guiltless folks who were unaware of her existence. Everybody on earth knows when she is committing torture, they can feel the earth trembling in fear beneath their feet, it happens so regularly that they are sometimes too busy to take a minutes silence to remember those who innocently died. Blazing lives in the underworld, in a dark cave. She travels around in a black chariot, pulled by beautiful, midnight black horses with big brown eyes. Blazing also forces everybody to where black and they all obey as they are to terrified to object, as she first greets them with fear, many people will never forget once they have experienced it. She wears black as well, long black dresses and black shoes, she even covers her hair in a black wrap so it is up, she feels this makes her look invincible. Blazing also has the power to keep all the good thoughts in her soul, so deep that nobody can ever release it, even if she is defeated, even if she is killed the killer will than have the ability to control all the good thoughts. But there is one thing that they can not do, return them to their rightful owner.