Personal information

What is personal information?

Personal information is Information about yourself but in games and real life. You should never tell it to unknown people like strangers. You should not tell in games ,messages and phone calls. If you do not know them they might hack you or scam you, or get your home address and come to our house. You should not tell strangers your personal information but if they are your relative, asks you then its fine.

Why it is important to keep your personal information?

It is important to keep your personal information because if you tell it to someone you do not trust then you might lose all your money by telling them your bank details or your office details. You should never pick up a phone call by a person you do not know also if it is a message from a person you do not know then never reply to the message. If it is in game you should not tell your password and username.

How do keep ourselves when it comes to personal information?

You can keep yourself safe if you never tell your personal information to people you do not know but you can still play safely, if you do not tell any people you do not know. You should never tell your personal information to people you do not know. If you tell it away to unknown people then something bad will happen to yourself.

You should

and you should always remember your personal information