Thesues and the minotaur

many many years ago in ancient greece there lived a man called king Aegus,he was telling his son that he had to send 7 young women and 7 young men to cretes as king Minos had requested.

"father why do we send these poor children to crete and why do they never come back?" asked Thesues

"my child we do not send them to kill the minotaur we send them as food for the minotaur" explaind king Aegus "anfd this is the only way we can defeat it and not send more children as food for it"

Thesues the prince of athens is going as one of teh 7 young boys 7 young girls.

"this is not right" screached Thesues "i will go as one of the boys and i will defeat it!"

"I really don't want you to go but if you survive please raise the white flag so i know your ok," his father said sadly.when Thesues arrived he gazed around him and wonderd where and what the monster will look like.Suddenly a groupe of well dressed,came out of know were "hello there im king minos and im the ruler of crete" proclaimed king minos "and you apperd to be food for my minotaur" "i am Thesues prince of athens" Thesues said bravely "and i have come to defet tghe minotaur notfood for it"

"give it a try but you won't succeed!" mokeed king minos

"oh i will" Thesues bragged "and i will defeat it"

Thesues pushed his chest into teh darkness of the cave and coldness of the moss slithring across his arm.He heard a loud,huge thump witch made the roof rock fall down and the cave shived,the small humen flesh invaided his nostralls.the bats screatching in the distance,giving him a headache. the monster with a body of a dragon,breathing fire. stood ten feet tall his horns bent like two icy icicalls, his muscles were like two rough rocks as he's yellow teeth bust out with flesh.Thesues grabbed the monsters head and twisted the head around until teh bones cracked and the vains bursted into blood and the head flys off and into the darkness of the cave the monster was defeated he did it! he was so exited he defeated the minotaur he was jumping in exitment (high,hands up).

When he sudddenly noticed that he lost the rope that Ariadne gave him he thought he would never get out out of here.Also he found something that felt familler.He felt the rope he was so exited he could go home now.He saw a shadow and it was Ariadne "please take me home my father will kill me if he found out i helped you" exclaimed Ariadne

"ok" said Thesues kindly.And they followed the rope and got out of the maze ,they set sail for an island and Thesues told ariadne "can you get some friuts for us" smiled Thesues while ariadne went and got food for us while Thesues left ariadne in relife on the island,but forgot to change the balck sails to white sails and king agues sadly saw the ship he was sad that his son did not make it so he jumped of the cliff into the deepwater and died so therefor the sea was called the aegus sea.

made by

daisy-lee anne townsend