Dear Diary

Last night,i trapped the iron man

I was trying to capture a fox,but it wouldn't be baited,which was a dead chicken,but then it just walked away from me.Then i caught a glimpse of something eating the barb wire.So then i remembred had a knife and nail,so then i took them out and tapped them together.So when i kept tapping, green lights appeard and i felt really scared.

After a while it got closer and closer, i was afraid i had nothing to do when he took one gigantic step and then bang,crash and boom.The iron man fell into the trap.So i ran as fast as i could to the farmers so when i got there i told them"the iron man fell into the trap" so we all ran to the hole

So when we got there the iron man was still there so i thought to myself(i thought i wouldn't capture the iron man but i did this was the best the of may life).So after that we had a feast but in my head i felt really sorry for him,but on the other hand he could escape from the hole and it is what he gets.