Dear Diary,

Last night I caught the Iron Man into a trap!

There wasn't much to do so I decide to make a joke on a fox because they always hang around the village. Now days it drives me nuts. I'd threw an dead chicken in the Iron Man's hole and waited patiently. Eventually a skinny fox turned up but instead of falling in the hole , it was walking around it. Was it too smart for this trap?

After a while I realized that something was wrong...

I turned my head slightly and guess what I saw?

The Iron Man returned. As quick as a cheater my

hart was beating even harder than before. Suddenly

the fox disappeared. It was as if it melted into mid-air.

An idea popped into my head. From my small pocket I

pulled out a knife and an long nail. Nervously I tapped

it twice 'tickle tickle' It worked! The Iron Man came closer

and closer towards me.

Sweat was dripping all over me if I was taking an bath. I got goose bumps , my hands trembling with fear. In surprise the Iron Man fell! He actually fell! I felt relived now. It was a great opportunity to trap the Iron Man. I realized if I stand here he will get out , so I ran home shouting till me throat was soar 'The Iron Man is trapped!'

Again and again until I was up to my door.

My whole family went to see him. When we arrived I saw the Iron Man trying to escape and farmer trying to bury him. Now I didn't know what was right anymore.

To the next time diary.