I am Nadakhan the evil 😈 djinn and pirate captain

of the misfortunes keep.Me and my pirate crew sail around the sky, and destroy parts of Ninjago to create the new Djinnjago (where I lived before it got

destroyed).My aim is to become king 👑of the djinn's but first I have to marry my fiancée Delara,but she sadly died while I was away😢 so I would want to marry her descendent Nya, if I marry her i'll be able to wish for myself.My crew consists of :Flintlock,Dogshank,Dubloon last and especially least clancee

the clumsy serpentine. My main crew are handy especially Flintlock who carries 2 pistols at all times, Dogshank may be big and bulky but she's a really strong girl.For years i've been trapped inside of the Teapot of Tyrahn what took my powers which are teleportation,invisibility and granting wishes.

Me and my sky pirates.