I was on our family boat when dark grey clouds started looming over us. Rain started pelting down like tonnes of tiny pebbles. The boat rolled and swayed in the fronthing water as the sea pounded against us. The boat was moving from left to right very fast.

The boat started sinking. I couldn't swim. I was drowning. I passed out. I woke up on an island next to my family. The shore was sandy and there were palm trees around. When I looked at the ocean there was no sight of land. The island had two big mountains and a lot trees.

We decided to get some apples from the tree because lemons, apples and oranges were our only supply of food. My brother was crying, so I gave him an apple. We chopped some trees and made a shelter. We built a house as well because of any dangerous animals or humans.

For now nothing bad had happened. I hope that someone finds us or we will be here forever.