
7 march 1936 German troops enter the rhineland

.17 september 1936 the ussr invades poland from the west

15 march 1938 germany invades austria

29 september 1938 germany takes control of the suddetenland region of


16 march 1939 germany takes control of the whole of czechoslovakisa

genmany begins the invasion of poland

1 st september

3 september 1939 britain and france declare war on germany

3 september 1939 great britain and france are at war with germany

27 sempter 1939 the captial of poland warsaw falls to german

april 9 1940 germany invades denmark and norway

10 may 1940 germany invadesthe nerlands and beligum

26 may 1940 british troops evacated from dunrik

27 may 1940 belgium surrends to german control

10 june 1940 norway surrends to german control

25 june 1940 germany takes control from france

22 june 1941 germany turns on its allens and attack the ussr

december 8 1941 them usa joins the war

june 6 1944 britan usa canda invade norwamandy

cand france

augest 25 1944 paris libered from german control

april 25 1945 allies invade western germany

7 may 1945 germany is invade from the east by the ussr berlins libered

may 8 1945 war in europe