In literacy we have been been writing a none chronological reports about animals . we have been watching a video about anacondas and how they live also we have been learning about the barn owl and jaguars but its been fun what it was about was about their life cycle, habitats diet and hunting, appearance. Did you know anacondas live in swamps slow rivers and muddy areas they are none venomous and weigh up to 550 pounds in length they can grow up to 9 meters and are as long as a bus there cousins are the venomous python they are great creatures and are so amazing . a fact about the anacondas is that they are so sneaky and they eat bigger creatures like pigs crocs elephants and many more but if you go near a anaconda you mite get eaten by it but you mite not because it sometimes don't eat you because it don't eat humans . Today we did about a tongo lizard which we can make up by are self I put it lives in Brazil and it eats ants spiders , rain dears and wild boars it was fun and it was a work peace because I want to get a high level I want to get a high level in my work and writing about the barn owl as well but i liked the anaconda most of all .