14th April 1912

blog 3

I was asleep when I heard a loud nose I was too tired to get out of

bed so I went back to sleep.In the morning the captain and the crew

were banging on the doors then I had to go to the top deck. I had no

idea what was happening at the time but I knew something was wrong

At this point people started to realise what had happening and started

panicing, it was freezing so I went back to get my blanket . There was ice every where and some children were playing with it and they probably didn't know what was going on . Then I heard someone screem ''the Titanic is sinking, run for the lifeboats'' I was terified so I ran for the lifeboats and I got a space . A few minuets later the Titanic SANK. It was silent and dreadful. Lots of people cried.

As I was in the lifeboat I noticed the Carpathia sailing towards the wreckage.
