personal information

what is personal information?

Personal information is things about you that are personal for example your passwords are personal and not to be shared with. Personal information is things like where you live and where your school is if anyone asks you for your address or your school name don't give it to them or block them if you are playing a game or if your texting. If your on a website or on a game and someone asks you for your personal information (passwords or where you live) .

why do we need to protect ourselves ?

Why we need to protect ourselves is because if we reveal are personal information someone might screen shot it if you post it on Instagram or Facebook and hack you. Also if you are playing

with someone that you don't know and they ask you for your personal information block them or

log out of the game your playing and tell a trusted adult. You must all ways keep your personal

information to YOURSELF or else someone will be able to hack you. If you ever ever share your personal information with someone you don't know they might hack into your bank account and

take all your money away from you and leave you without a penny.