3rd September 1666

2nd blog

The Great Fire Of London

It's the second day of the fire and the fire is out of control.

The fire has spreaded on to some of the important buildings

such as churches and St Pauls Catherdal.

So much people are running around and screaming of panic.

They all decided to pull down the houses to stop the fire

from spreading but it still carried on spreading.Some people

are getting away from the fire using boats such as River Thames.

Most of the armies came to use gunpowder to blow out some

of the houses to get a water brake.My family was so lucky

because we managed to get on one of the boats and we took

some important thing's.Sadly,we could not pack our special

things such as my family picture.When we got away from the fire,

five days later after the fire my cousin that survived told me that

my house sadly burnt all the way down to the ground.