the end part of the story

come down here Lazlo said the dark ok said Lazlo. Lazlo went down stairs to the basement door shut so quickly the dark. AHHHHHH Lazlo wakes up at night suddenly he. heard noises

so he had a. peak out of his door there was no one was. there so he checked fully the front door just opened by it self Lazlo was terrified the dark said its a ghost and it is the dark.

Lazlo screamed out loud. as he could. but then silence happened Lazlo got took away by the dark and Lazlo fainted. in the arms of the dark. Lazlo. got took in to a gloomy forest where spiders. infects are Lazlo said where am i? TELL ME please! the. dark said you are in my home you will never escape and find your freedom to your family (Lazlo is crying) Lazlo said im going to run home you. are miles away from your home.

Lazlo said i might be far away but am going HOME!!! run Lazlo RUN YOUR NOT EVER get away from me because when its dark I appear out of no where i will see you in the basement hopefully