Down in that cave system was believed to be a huge dirty DRAGON as many people that went down there never came back.However one little girl named Evey did not believe this as she had gone down one or to times and not seen a glimpse of a dragon. But her beliefs were wrong as on her third time down she saw it, about forty five feet high with a gigantic tail and there it stood just staring at Evey and finally saying "Hello , are you here to slay me?" in a calm bored voice .Evey who was taken aback by this creature tried to keep her calm so as not to annoy the dragon so replied in an unusual tone of voice "Oh of course not I came to say hello." The dragon quite pleased with this conversation carried on by saying "What's your name?" and "where are you from?".With these she tried even harder to be polite so said " My name is Evey, whats yours?" and "Im from wales "