Dear Diary,

Today is another one of those terrible, horrible useless days. Unfortunately, my day had a bit of a shocking twist. It was my first week at work, yay! I travelled to Megacorp, my work place, and I entered my cubicle.

At first no one was their so I decided to take a small lunch break. All of a sudden, the time was 12:15 and I realised it was time for me to get back to work. In my head I was thinking no one would be inside but someone was. I was wondering what is this person doing here.

It was was a man, he looked really friendly at first. So I decided to talk to him by sending him a note and talking to him but he completely blanked me . Ever since my mum has died I don't know how to control my life. My heart feels like it has sunk deep down into my soul and vanished. My life is miserable.

My life is upsetting because every time I attempt to make friends I fail over and over again. All I have wished for is to have a normal life, where I'm not upside down, I don't bash my head when I walk out of the door and when I HAVE A MOTHER. I hope by the time I have truly found my place in life.

By Leyana