
Horned vipers are a type of venomous and terrestial snakes that are native to North Africa and the Middle East. These snakes have adapted to stony deserts and semi-arid habitats.


Horned vipers are carnivores (meat-eaters).Their diet consists of the following:rodents,birds and lizards. Even though their mouths look so small,they can dislocate their jaws so they can devour their prey in one go. If you're an insect,you must be careful.The viper is a vacuum for the insects;you need to watch out on the top of sand dunes.

Habitats and Adaptations

Horned vipers have lots of habitats worldwide. Their habitats include the following: Montains, rain forests, fields and desserts.They have adapted to the deserts by using their triangle-shaped

head to keep the sand off their face, eyes, mouth and nose.Also,they have adapted to the mountains by using their stocky bodies with strong muscles to navigate their way on tricky surfaces.The other location they have adapted to is the rain forest ; they have done this by learning have to wriggle side to side swiftly and hiding in the leaves. Furthermore,they have also become nocturnal to be able to surprise their desired target (their prey).


The horned viper is known for producing lots of venom when biting someone.With one bite the horned viper produces 13 different toxins. Additionally, their venomous fangs lies flat in the back part of the mouth.The fangs are exposed when the viper is ready to devour it's prey. Although it is a slow-moving snake, it can strike extremely quickly. The bite of a viper is rarely fatal however it will cause serious damage to your nerves. Vipers do not attack easily ; their attacks are rarely lethal.

Female facts

Female vipers can lay 8 - 20 soft shelled eggs in abandoned burrows in the ground or under the rocks. Incubation period lasts 6 to 8 weeks.Young horned vipers reach adulthood and are able to reproduce at the age of 2.

Fun facts

.Horned vipers can survive up to 14 - 18 years

.Horned vipers can reach 12 - 24 inches in length.

.colour of their body matches the colour of there enviroment

Horned viper