Father was telling a tale.

It was the tale of my favorite, bravest ancestor, he had the most exciting adventures than anyone else. My father knows lots of tales about my ancestor, they're are all amazing, but today the tale made me restless. It was about a pressious, shiney diamond in a chest. The tale was so long that it was the middle of night now, but I didn't sleep also my father. Suddenly a loud roar came out from the room. The tale was stopped.

'' Go to sleep both of you or I will put you to sleep!'' Shouted with anger my mother. My strong, handsome father promised that I will resume the tale when your mother is asleep. Few minutes later father came tiptoeing silently to my room, he whistpered that let me resume the tale at the garden. Soon at the garden the brown, old, dusty door was opening, a tall gentle men appered with his bright, thick shoes. Gently the gentle men steped forward but the shoes made a noise. Click Clack Click Clack!

''Not him again, last year when you were asleep that man was trying to get the lost diary of adventures. It was your ancestor's diary, that's how I learned the tale. There is a map inside the diary, we need to safe it!'' Surprisely expliended my father. Even though my dad opened the diary I needed to help. Finally we finished the trap to catch him. We waited, but it didn't come and tryed to get it. Desperately we walked and looked inside the case.

It was gone!