Dear Diary,

I have had an horrible day at work my boss at work just Fired me!!! I will tell you how it happened so I

was at work hour by hour waiting if somebody would come by that day but nobody came at all and so I just

went home at 7pm like usual.

So when I went home I helped my father make dinner so after dinner I went to bed because I was so tired

I thought to my self what is someone new came to Mega Corp they even might be like me.

It was my lunch break and I had some coffee that my dad made for me but we never do talk at all and at

3pm an small little man came but WOW he had some massive nose.

He wanted some coffee so I gave him some, but unfortunally the problem was that I dropped all my coffee

on him and he reported it to my boss and said I am fired!!!!!!!!!!!

By Riddhi