INTRODUCTION: chocolate is acctually from a cocoa tree

from a place called Central America, where coco beans are made.The first chocolate was discovered in Aztec by some one called Christopher Columbus and it was a drink but it was bitter so they made it solid.

Main pont 1: About 31g of fat in dark chocolate,30g of of fat is in Milk chocolate and 32g fat in white chocolate.

About 48g of sugar us in dark chocolate, 59g of sugar in white chocolate and 52g sugar in milk chocolate.

Main point 2: It has about 99% children that love it. The Acients belived that chocolate is the food of the gods. chocolate contains a lot of sugar and fat.

Main point 3: The Spanish monks, who leaked the secret out and then what happened was bound to happen chocolate drinks became the must preferred beverage after tea and coffee in the entrie world.

I belive that chocolate is good for you but only have a peace of dark chocolate a day.