The story of a little girl #so far

on the 22nd of december 2008 a baby girl was born weighing 6lb5 her mummy was so happy she was finely here and was so happy to have another little girl in the family.

when the baby girl was 5 months old she was christened in st,Joseph's church in highgate her god parents was michelle and richie all her family and friends was there and they had a big party after.

As time passed the little girl grow and learned to walk and talk and use a spoon and enjoyed playing with her toys..

The baby girl lived at home with her mummy and older sister and cat jackie in a small flat on dalmeny avenue.

when the little girl turn 3 she started to go to a play group called blue bells where she played and made lots for friend some she is still friends with today at tufnell park school.

she was a very pretty girl with tight curly ginger hair, green eyes and the cutest smile.

she loved going to her play group but she was getting older and was time for a new adventure in a new nursery at tufnell park school nursery she settled in really well and learned lots and played every day, enjoyed dressing up,drawing, muisc and dancing.

The little girl loved going on family holidays to ireland and haven.

again the little girl enjoyed her nursery but was growing every day and was getting ready to move into reception in tufnell park school she need a uniform and a new school bag she was very excited to be moving into big school.

In the school holiday's she got to go on lots of nice holidays with her family to Lanzarote,cyprus and Tenerife.

school was great and when she turned 8 years old she started classes to make her holy communion she worn a beautiful white dress and had a lovely day with family and friends.

The girl has now turned 9 years old and enjoys gymnastics, dancing,ice skating, watching tv and u tube. The thing she loves the most is her new dog called Riley.

and yes you've guesses correct that girl is me Holly!!!!!!#Ginger#funtimes.

by holly fogg