Recipe of an Apple Pie.


8 tablespoon butter , 4 tablespoon flour , 1 cup of water , 1 cup of sugar , 7 apple , 2 tablespoon cinnamon , pie crust , 2 eggs.


Pan , Spatula , Knife , Large Bowl , Spoon , Rolling pin , Pie Plate , Pizza Cutter , Brush , Oven , Hob.


  1. We start with the sauce filling. Put the sauce pan on medium heat and put 8 table spoons of butter.
  2. Stir with spatula and add 4 table spoons of flour.
  3. Then add a cup of water and a cup of sugar. Continue simmering for 4 minutes.
  4. Take off the heat and then prepare the apples. Grab 7 apples , peel them and cut them in fine slices with a knife. Place the sliced apples in a big mixing bowl.
  5. Add 2 table spoons of cinnamon and mix. Next add all the sauce in the bowl and mix with the apples.
  6. By using the Rowling pin , open the pie crust and place it in the pie plate .
  7. Put the apple and the sauce in the pie plate . Then cut in slices with your pizza cutter and place the crust on top.
  8. Then brush on top the pie with eggs and sugar mix .
  9. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and cook the pie for 45 minutes .
  10. Leave an hour to rest .