L.O. To be able to write a chronological report


To be able to use hyphens.

To be able to use technical language (scientific vocabulary).

To be able to use parenthesis (commas, dashes and brackets)

To be able to use headings and sub headings.


To be able to use a range of conjunctions at the beginning and end of sentences.

To be able to use fronted adverbials.


To be able to use passive voice.

The Desert Sand Viper

The Desert Horned Viper, which is part of the viper family, can be found in hot climates such as deserts. The horns look devil -like and this snake has many interesting features which will blow your mind away!


The Horned eats many rodents including the following : mice, rats ,desert kangaroo rats and antelope squirrels. The fangs of a viper are extremely dangerous because their bite can paralyze you. Also, the viper family are all carnivores ( meat-eater). When the Horned viper buries itself in sand ,it blends in perfectly (camouflage). In addition to having a lethal bite, Vipers swallow their prey whole. They can do this by dislocating their jaws- this can stretch their mouths to fit huge prey inside them. Desert horned vipers-like all snakes, eats small mammals that come near their underground habitat. When the prey gets eaten by the viper, it will be impossible for the prey to get out.

The desert horned vipers, which can be found in Africa and western Asia, can survive in many different types of habitats. The desert Horned vipers, which has very spiky fangs, are over 15 inches long and can be found in the Sahara Desert. The Desert Horned Viper spends time underground and it burrows itself deeply. Also, it can be found in tricky mountainous areas.

Adaptations (physical appearance)

The fangs are the most dangerous thing inside a snake because if you get bit by the snakes fang you will get paralyzed (freeze). The desert horned vipers body can reach length of 2 feet long (60 cm). When the desert horned viper eats it's prey, the desert horned vipers jaw drops so the prey will fit into the mouth.
