The silence was deafening. "Should I go to the basement?" asked Lazio.( He was talking with The Dark) . "Yes, young Lazio please go to the basement!" the dark replied with his most creaky voice. Cautiously Lazio sluggishly crept down the ancient, creaky wooden steps. The wobbly wooden railing full of splinters jabbed Lazio. Jumping in pain, Lazio clenched his fist and crouched on the steps.

After a couple of minutes, Lazio finally stood up and began creeping down the spooky staircase. Unable to see anything but the dark, Lazio had stretched his arms forward to sense any obstacles in the way. Luckily, there weren't any obstacles yet. Suddenly, Lazio could feel something like wind pulling him towards the dark. Was it a tornado? It couldn't be. Tornadoes don't come from the side. But something was pulling him.

"SWOOSH!". The noise was getting louder and louder. What was happening?. Lazio was getting pulled to the source of this force. The dark took Lazio with it into the air and now he was spinning wildly in the air. He was in a deep sleep. The dark had finally embraced him. With a jerk, he sharply fell to the old creaky floor. Immediately, he woke up fro his dream and looked at his somehow familiar surroundings. He loved it!! This was the place he as supposed to always be! Lazio took a deep breath to make the most of the dark. A rooster crowed. It was dawn! Lazio swiftly sprinted upstairs to his miniscule room, as his dad would check on him before leaving for work at five thirty. Fortunately, he was just in time.