Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Harry Potter meeting Gilderoy Lockhart

As Harry walked in the bookshop in Diagon ally and boom he ran into Gilderoy Lockhart, signing book from himself. He saw Harry and shouted his name and everyone was staring at him as his heart was racing like a Cheetah running as fast as possible. He saw Lockhart coming closer to him as fast as the could he tried to pretend to talk to Ron. As soon as Lockhart was there he new he was going to become more popular than he already is. Harry just had to go with all of this he new it was the only thing to do. Gilderoy was just so surprised to see Harry here the bookshop. Lockhart was asking if Harry want his book to be signed by Gideroy Lockhart. As Harry was surprised that Lockhart new him and to be famous was amazing news.