Titanic 3rd blog

11:45 pm

and i have just been awoken

by a huge crash. when i opend my cabin I saw a gush of water coming

straight to my cabin so rushed out

quickley befor the water could touch me.

it is 2:00 am April 15th 1912 I am hearing the sound of screaming and shouting so I rushed out of my cabin

as fast as I could. I ran with my family to get on the life boats and luckely we got spaces on the life boats. Suddenly i fogot my keys

in my cabin so I got out of the life boat and rushed to get my keys and lukely i found another space on one of the life boats. I saw the Titanic sinkig and i was frighted to see what was going on. 1,523 passengers died and 705 passengers survived .

luckely the copathia saved the

passengers in the life boats.

there were

4 passengers still in the

water sadly one of them died. Arfter being saved by the Copathia they were on their way to NewYork.