Roman slave's diary

Dear diary,

Today I have to wake up very early at exactly 3:15am instead of 4:15am because my master is having a banquet tonight to celebrate his daughters wedding. I have no time to wash my faceso I get straight into my tunic. It is short and itchy. It's thin material and short skirt expose my bare legs to the biting cold wind and crisp breeze but I just deal with it. I am do lucky to be taught how to read and write. Anyway I left a note saying I was off too the market to buy food for the banquet. I bought fish sauce,eggs, oranges,grapes,flour water, wine and more. When I got back I gave the shopping to Bessie who was the chef's assistant . After that I walked into the bedroom and got clothes sorted. My masters toga was clean so I lay it gently onto his bed Then I lay their son's toga in warm water before I scrubbed it with my hands. I shined my mistress' necklaces and bangles so they looked like freshly cleaned gold. My masters daughter had her dress ready yesterday so I had nothing to do with that. While I did all this the family I work for went to the bath house so they smell fresh before the banquet. Francis the chef had set the table and entertainment had arrived and had th family they changed in seconds. They gestured for me to go upstairs while they ate chatted and laughed at the entertainment. While I was upstairs with Bessie and another friend Fortunatus (which means lucky like the word fortune)we played Knuckle bones with some sheep bones I snuck from the kitchen until the banquet was finished. There was a very big mess in the end with wine in th dog fur carpet. Oranges and grapes splattered onto the wall. Rock hard bread lay on the floor looking dead almost. I didn't clean it up though because I'm a child so the older slaves cleared it up. For dinner I had some leftover bread,water and grapes. We Roman slaves don't have lunch just breakfast and dinner. It's 11pm and I'm going to bed my candle is running out but I am tired anyway. Hopfuly tomorrow won't be as hectic.

Signed Agusta Trecson

Here are some Roman names

Name Gender

Agusta F

Augustus M

Camilla F

Felix M

Cecilia F

Attics M

Drusilla F

Magnus M

Tatiana F

Julius M

Most of our modern day names come from Roman names.