As the whistle blowed as loud as a lion for the first half I was a bit nervous also excited, because this was the first amazing match that I was going to play. Soon we run for the ball my excellent teammate got the ball and pasted it to me. I run as fast as a prey I pasted back to my teammate, but it did not reach to him. The ball was slow. So the oppenet got the ball again, it was my fault I was worried about my self what if I can't play. Suddenly the player dodged the slow defender of mine then a another quick, enijetic player appered from nowhere. Who was going to shoot? Few minutes later the players stoped passing the ball after a powerful, strong shoot came out. It was a post. The three players leaped for the ball there was the goalkeeper and the two players, meanwhile the people was roaring and cheering one of the player pushed the goalkeeper and another one shooted. It was a foul but the referee didn't do anything! We were losing 1-0!