The Foot In The Pond
As I walked near to the pond, I saw feet in boots. Quickly I thought to myself are they fake or real,but my mind was all over the place,so I could not think properly. But I carried on walking forwards. It looked very strange. I got pretty scared,and I pulled and pulled but it was too strong for me.
So I got my dad. He was too lazy to come. All I heard was " I am tired ask your brothers". He really made me angry so I dragged him. He tried and tried to pull the foot,but he was too lazy to pull the foot out of the pond. After my dad tried i called my brothers, they PULLED AND PULLED, they managed to get it out. It was Mr.Shuttleworth. Me and my brothers were shocked "Are you ok Mr.Shuttleworth?" I asked. Mr.Shuttleworth coughed "How long was you in there" asked my brother Joel
"for about 30 minutes" he replied. "Well you have put on some pounds" I laughed.