Cyberbullying-Song and rap


I feel worried, I feel scared but nobody cares.
Just a text or a message can hurt people in all different kinds ways. Its just because you don't realise how much it hurts. Would you be able to face it, no, no you wouldn't.
Why do you even do this, what did I even do to make you hate me so much. It hurts me but it don't hurt you, you wrecked my life and now it can never be mended.

You just sent that picture to every one now they're hating me, hating me for all them different reasons that I never done.

Why did you do that now I have no friends and nobody to talk to. Look at the things you made me go through, all them dreadful words. I always keep it in and pretend that that I didn't care but I did care and you hurt me. Some times you think its funny but its not. But I have had enough, had enough of you making fun of me.

you think your great but your not, now you telling lies about
every-one you blame me for stuff you do. you threaten me just because that text you sent to them. When I open up my laptop all I see is the hundreds of message that have been sent to me.
