African wild dog

So I am going to be talking about the most vicious yet extraordinary animals, The African Wild Dog. I am going to be telling you about these incredible creatures and how they adapted and their diet and many more interesting facts.


The AfricanWild Dog is a carnivore (meat-eater only). These fascinating creatures usuallyhunt very early in the morning and again at sun down. The African Wild Dog consumes(eats/their feast) gazelles and many more kinds of antelopes, warthogs, wildebeestscalves, rats and birds. So as u can tell these animals probably eat a lot in 1day. Well it depends if they catch them then they will get a lovely feast.


These animals have a peculiar, camouflaged type of fur their fur colour is a light creamy beige brown colour with uneven black patches/spots. The African Wild Dog does not look anything like a dog it looks sort of more like a leopard or a jaguar. However the African Wild Dog does look very similar to a dog mixed with a leopard. These animals are very dangerous since these animals are carnivores, they have to have razor-sharp teeth to rip through tough meat.