Dick King-Smith

On the 27 March 1922 ,Dick king- Smith was born.

He had a tremendously happy childhood at Diamond Cottage in the Somerset.

He has spent twenty years as a farmer in Gloucestershire.

Dick King-Smith joined the Grenadier Guards (The Great Army) in 1939.

He's had a number of jobs such as :Soldier,Salesman A Worker in Shoe Factory and a Teacher.

He married his childhood sweetheart-Mylre on 6 February 1943.

He has three children named Lizzie,Juliet and Giles.

His first book was called The Foxbusters last one was called Mouse Family Robinson.

One of his book-The sheep pig was so famous was so famous that it turned in to a movie called Babe.

The reason he became an author was because it gave him pleasue,earned him some money and gave other people pleasure too.