The Mysterious Orange Cat   By Jessica mcm
One day my Mum and Dad went out, I had to stay in until they came back. When they came back my Dad was holding a big box and my Mum called me she wanted me to go up stairs. When I went up she wanted me to open the box and I did and when I did a little orange crying kitten was sitting in the box. I was so happy I ran as fast as I could with the kitten in my hands. When I got into then bath room I ran a hot bath for my new kitten. It started crying and all it done was cry. So when my friends came around it stopped crying it was so weird. I didn't know what was the matter and one day I found out that it had brothers and sisters. Me and my Mum went out to find fluffy my kittens family. We found one although, we did fined one all the others were separated. They became my kittens they all didn't stop CRYING...