Our Learning In Canada!!!

This term in science, We have been learning about irreversible and reversible changes. This topic is one of my favourites because of how intresting it is to learn about burning heating etc:

A irreversible change is where u can't change something that it used to be. For example :Cooking a raw egg, Once u cook the raw egg u can't change that cooked egg into the raw egg again. This is called a irreversible change.

A reversible change is the opposite of an irreversible change. Its where you can change something to the thing it used to be before. An example is a candle. When u melt a candle a little wax pool forms, soon that wax dries and becomes a full candle again.

Here is a photo of my working in science,

As u can see there is a table showing What Change has Occured And if its reversable or not. The first one says Adding squash to water. This is Irreversible because u can't Change it back to plain water.

We had fun learning this term!

Goodbye for now!!!